
Myths and Facts about tobacco
This essay will be about myths of the use of tobacco and how they can be proven incorrect with facts and studies. Smoking is a very unhealthy thing to do to your body and has very bad effects that can happen.

Some people believe only adults smoke cigarettes while studies show that the average age a person begins smoking at age 13! Most new tobacco users are adolescents.

Many people think “Smoking isn’t a drug problem” but they are wrong. The nicotine found in all tobacco products are very addictive, it is even compared to the addiction power of cocaine or heroin.

People think just because you are addicted to Tobaco and the damage is done so there’s no use in trying to quit. Studies state that once a person quits all smoking/dipping the body imeadiately starts repairing itself. For example, if you don’t use any tobacco for only 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse rate will go back to normal range. It may take a couple times to fully quit and all use of tobacco products but that is okay because an average amount of tries it takes to fully stop is 5 times.

Another commen excuse used is “Smoking helps my body to relax”. Nicotine is a stimulant. This does not help the body relax it only messes up the body.

This essay proves that smoking is a very mad thing to do to your body and can cause many problems to the human body and some people try to make excuses to why you should or why you shouldn’t quit. but over all Smoking is something that should be taken very seriously and shouldn’t be done.

These myths are examples of ways that can persuade them into doing this to the human body. So I’m gonna end this by saying, you shouldn’t smoke or use any tobacco! There are ways to stop and other ways to deal with stress.

Myths are made everyday, so don’t believe everything you hear. Try to make a change and end tobacco and smoking use in the United States to make the world a better place.


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A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. Several radioactive substances are considered carcinogens, but their carcinogenic activity is attributed to the radiation.This maybe because of the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.

Some sources that cause this:
•Lifestyle factors.
•Naturaly accruing exposures.
•Medical Treatments (radiation and medicines including chemotherapy, hormone drugs and etc.)
• Workplace and House exposures.

Carcinogens may increase the chance of cancer by damanging DNA directly in cells.
After carcinogen enters the human body it goes through a process called biotransformation to try and eliminate it. The purpose of these reactions is to make the carcinogen more water-soluble so that it can be removed from the body. In some cases, these reactions can also convert a less toxic carcinogen into a more toxic carcinogen.

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