Do I think the U.S should have stricter gun control laws? No, I do Not believe we should, Humans use guns in many situations. We deserve to use guns for certain reasons and I don’t think it should have to be stricter.If you believe we need stricter gun laws then you must not think we deserve to have self protection.
A large number of humans use guns to protect themselves from things such as personal protection, or break ins. If we have stricter gun control laws, we wouldn’t be able to protect ourselves from major events. If the government did have stricter gun control laws, it would be like taking away our second amen
Since 1988, gun ownership has increased over 1200% while at the same time gun deaths and gun crimes in general have decreased by almost 60%. Instead of jumping to conclusions and making false statements based on the lies of the 5 o’clock news, try doing some research.
Our country was built on war, and war had guns, which is also what helped us win the war. If history repeats itself, don’t you think we should have guns in case more things like that happen again?
After reading this, I hope you agree with me on how we deserve certain gun laws. But if you do not then don’t get upset when someone breaks into your home and you have no use or protection.